Rickreall Hamfest 2004 Pics

The dream shack/bus in the parking lot.
Some of these masts were on rotators, some were "Armstrong".

Looks like they are running 4el on 6m, 10el on 2m up front and lots of elements
in the back for 220, 432, 902 and 1296.

A really cool dial mechanism. W7ZOI advises to keep it as a sig gen, vs hacking it
in to a VFO cabinet.

The score of the day!!!---- A Yaesu FT107 for $20. Finals are said to be blown.
Factory paperwork came with it stating such.

Second best score of the day--- The matching external VFO for the FT107!!
This dial mechanism is truly awesome on feel. Much nicer than my ARC5 dials.
I fired up this pair on an antenna and all of the rx functions seem intact.
I have not tried to tx with it yet. I did dig inside to see how they implemented
the finals RF deck and it looks like I can retrofit some other transistors as replacements.

A working rotator for $30.

I got a stack of 7 of these for $1.25 each. There are some really nice UHF finals in these.

A really pristine 50uA meter new in the box for 50 cents.

Innerds of the sig gen.

Not sure how they got the 400 MHz out of this kind of wiring. The tubes are kinda cool.
There is some very obtuse gearing and levers in this to make the two air variable caps mesh
at different points of dial rotation.

A score on caps!

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