Rabbit Stick 1997
Dried mud on a table top so that a small cooking fire can be built on top
of the table. This gets your food up out of the dirt.
Making straw and mud bricks for the Orno oven.
David Holladay building the Orno.
Roadkill and David at the Orno.
Steven tatooing Wiley with stone tools and genus Cochenile (sp?).
(A red dye derived from squashed bugs that live on cactus in the Southwestern US.)
Erin winnowing some grain.
Wonia and Jessica in Steven and Tamara's parfletch workshop.
A wooden bowl carving workshop.
Colleen and Roadkill and Colleen in their independently made yet identical Capotes.
Lynx and River.
Orion, Jim Riggs, Tyco and Colin.
Colin and Orion at Hari Heath's Post Industrial Collapse forge.
Colin preparing to pound out a knife blade from junk yard metal
at Hari Heath's Post Industrial Collapse forge.
Tim Brown's slate Ulu knife workshop.
Lynx teaching her Deer bone tool workshop.
Finger weaving a belt.
Dawn teaching her natural dies and yarn workshop.
The colors in the balls of wool yarn are all naturally derived from plants
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