Recent Update: 10 Dec 2015________Added 80m/40m SSB Schematics Set 4
Recent Update: 6 Dec 2015________Rabbit Stick Rendevous 2015
Recent Update: 9 Sept 2015________Bridger Wilderness Wind River Range Wyoming
Recent Update: 5 July 2015________Opal Creek Wilderness
Recent Update: 22 June 2015________Sapphire Lake Waldo Lake Wilderness
Recent Update: 8 September 2014________Donaca Lake Middle Santiam Wilderness
Recent Update: 6 August 2014________Jefferson Park Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Video
Jim Riggs:
As many of you know, Jim is still recovering from some difficult
health problems. Since Jim does not "do" email or internet and
likely never will, the best way for us to lift his spirits is to send
an actual letter via snail mail to
Jim Riggs
P.O. Box 627
Wallowa, Oregon 97885
If you know Jim through the primitive skills subculture
Jim would likely benefit from knowing where you are in life and any
memories of times shared with him you might want to reminisce about.
Rabbit Stick 2015
Idaho USA
New Photos Posted: 6 Dec 2015
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